Rabu, 17 September 2008


The Toyota FJ40 is the model designation for a Toyota Land Cruiser 40 series made from 1960 until 1984. Most 40 series Land Cruisers were built as two-door vehicles with approximately the same dimensions as a Jeep CJ. The model was also available under the BJ40 / 41 / 42 / 43 (short wheelbase), 44 / 46 (middle wheelbase) or HJ45 / 47 (long wheelbase) designation where it had a Diesel engine. References to the series in this article will be to the J40 series unless referring to one of the petrol (FJ40 / 42 - 2WD) or diesel (BJ / HJ4#) models specifically.

For the history of the J series from the original 1951 Toyota Jeep BJ through the J20 series see Land Cruiser History from 1950 to 1955
  • 1961 - J40 series launched. (wheelbase 2285 mm (90 in) / 2430 mm (96 in) / 2650 mm (104 in)
  • 1965? - Longer wheelbase (2950 mm (116 in)), FJ45-B, pickup and cab-chassis were added
  • 1967 - End of 4-door FJ45V (I) (w/b 2650 mm (104 in)) production, replaced by FJ55 Station wagon - 2door FJ45-B renamed FJ45 (II) (w/b 2950 mm (116 in))
  • 1973? - HJ45 launched with the H , 3.6 litre in-line 6 cylinder Diesel engine.
  • 1974 - BJ40 / 43 launched with the B, 3.0 litre in-line 4 cylinder diesel engine.
  • 1976 - Disc brakes on the front axle
  • 1979 - Power steering (only F models) and air conditioning added to the options, gear ratios modified to be more freeway friendly
  • 1980 - HJ47 launched with a 4.0 liter 6 cylinder diesel engine. End of HJ45 production
    - BJ42/46 and BJ45 launched with a 3.4 liter 4 cylinder diesel engine
  • 1981 - Power steering added on the BJ models to the options
  • 1984 - End of J40 series production (replaced by J70 series)
  • 2001 - End of Bandeirante production


  1. The J40/41/42 was a two-door short wheelbase four wheel drive vehicle, with either a soft or a hard-top. It was available with various petrol or diesel (from 1974) engines over its lifetime. It was replaced on most markets in 1985 by the J70 series.
    The FJ42 is 4X2 model, for only The Middle East.
  2. The J43/J44/46 was an extremely rare two-door medium wheelbase four wheel drive vehicle, with either a soft or a hard-top. It was replaced on most markets in 1985 by the J70 series.
  3. The J45/47 was a long wheelbase four wheel drive vehicle, available in two or four door hard-top (station wagon) or two door pickup models. The 4door station wagon model (FJ45V I) was the shortest-lived of the J40 series, as it was replaced by the FJ55 in 1967.
  4. The Bandeirante (OJ50/55, BJ50/55) was a J40 series built in Brazil by Toyota do Brasil Ltda from 1959-2001. Identical to the BJ40 in almost every respect, it had a few stylistic modifications to the grille and used a Mercedes-Benz diesel engine (later replaced by Toyota 14B inline 4 direct injection Diesel engine) for much of its production life.

Over the years Toyota has changed the engines used in the J40 series. The B series motor is a 4 cylinder diesel, and the H series a 6 cylinder diesel. The diesel engined trucks were never sold to the general public in the USA, though some found their way in as mine trucks. The engines are similar, within the series. For example, the F and 2F engines share many of the same parts, however. H and 2H are almost another thing. There are individual models within the engine series, for example, there is an F125 engine, and an F155 engine, all in the F series with different power ratings.

  • Most J40 series vehicles could have their roof and doors removed, and with a folding windscreen this allowed for complete open-air experience.
  • The J40 Series also featured folding jump seats, attached to the roll bar behind the passenger and drivers seats. These folding seats not only made carrying another 2 passengers possible, but also allowed for maximum cargo space, as opposed to the folding rear seat in the Jeep CJ series.
  • Original factory winches were driven directly from the transfer case (known as P.T.O. or power take off) powered by the engine. Later models had an optional electric winch.
  • Today the J40 Series is prized for its compatibility with General Motors products. Not only does the J40 accept the same 6 lug wheel as GM, but the transmission is also compatible with the Chevrolet small block engines, including the 307, 327 and 350 cubic inch models. This allows for engine changes and upgrades, a viable option as surplus engines and engine components for the original J40s are becoming scarce.

There is a good sized following of people that collect, maintain, and drive their J-series truck off road. Toyota still offers many replacement parts, available through Toyota parts departments worldwide. Many of these trucks find their home in third world countries as work trucks, where they are used daily by their owners. Its essence lives on in the J70 series, which is essentially a J40 with an updated front half and slightly different engine offerings, such as a turbo charged diesel. It sells in many countries, but was never for sale in the USA.

Toyota FJ Cruiser
Toyota has recently introduced the FJ Cruiser, a modern SUV styled after the original FJ40. The FJ Cruiser (FJC) went on sale in the spring of 2006.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

Jeep Wrangler Militer

Versi militer Jeep Wrangler Unlimited yang diproduksi di Kairo, Mesir, didesain khusus untuk kepentingan patrol, cargo carrier, ambulans, kendaraan komunikasi dan keperluan lainnya. Menggunakan bumper heavy duty dengan dua titik towing, memungkinkan Jeep J8 dibawa menggunakan helicopter. Produk Jeep yang diwakili Willys MA, mulai digunakan oleh tentara Amerika pada tahun 1941. Jenderal Dwight D. Eisenhower pernah menyatakan bahwa peperangan tak akan mungkin dimenangkan tanpa dukungan Jeep.

Miniatur Kendaraan Militer Mustafa Dulu Disepelekan, Kini Dicari

Sejak kecil Mustafa Kemal (64) gemar mengamati kendaraan militer. Zaman revolusi yang serba sulit membuat keinginan memiliki miniatur kendaraan militer hanya jadi mimpi belaka.
Impian itu mulai mewujud pada suatu hari di tahun 1969. Saat itu Mustafa berkesempatan jalan-jalan ke Sarinah. Matanya menangkap suatu benda terselip di antara etalase toko serba ada yang terbesar di Jakarta saat itu: sebuah miniatur tank yang diangkut truk besar. Replika itu menarik perhatiannya, harga yang tertera Rp 5.000. Tentu saja benda itu terlalu mahal bagi tentara yang dikaryakan di Departemen Luar Negeri seperti dirinya. ”Waktu itu, beras satu kilo Rp 100,” tuturnya memberikan perbandingan.
Melihat bawahannya kesengsem tanpa mampu membeli, atasan Mustafa agaknya tak tega dan merogoh koceknya. Singkat cerita, replika truk trailer tersebut menjadi milik Mustafa. Hingga kini, benda itu masih terpajang di tembok ruang tengah rumahnya di Jl Sultan Agung 3, Bandung.
Setelah mendapatkan benda tersebut, Mustafa dipindahtugaskan ke Malaysia sebagai staf atase pertahanan kedutaan besar RI. Dari situlah mimpinya untuk memiliki miniatur kendaraan militer betul-betul jadi kenyataan. Kuala Lumpur pun menjadi kota yang ‘bersejarah’ bagi Mustafa. Di kota itu, dia banyak mendapatkan benda-benda yang diinginkannya. ”Harganya waktu itu 3 ringgit,” ceritanya.
Selain itu, kerabat dan rekan yang kebetulan bepergian ke luar negeri juga sangat membantu mewujudkan keinginan ayah tiga anak ini. Dari merekalah, Mustafa sering mendapat kiriman miniatur kendaraan militer.
Saat ini, koleksi miniatur kendaraan militernya sudah hampir 400 buah. Benda-benda tersebut ditata rapi dalam rak dinding di ruang tengah. Sebagian lain dipajang di rak yang dipasang di bagian belakang rumahnya. Selain kendaraan militer, sebenarnya Mustafa juga punya miniatur kendaraan berat dan mobil biasa. Tapi miniatur kendaraan berat dan mobil biasa, tidak termasuk koleksi yang diseriusinya.
Mustafa tak sembarang memajang koleksinya. ”Kalau aslinya tidak ada, saya tidak pajang. Yang seperti itu biasanya saya simpan saja,” tutur pria kelahiran Bandung, 2 September 1937 itu. Biarpun harganya murah dan dibeli dari tempat loak, asal ada aslinya, dia tak malu untuk memajangnya.
Tak hanya itu, dia juga punya setumpuk buku yang bercerita soal kendaraan militer yang miniaturnya terpajang. Mustafa memiliki ensiklopedi yang memuat cerita soal Tank MBT-70. Di situ terungkap bahwa MBT-70 dibikin bersama Amerika dengan Jerman pada tahun 1963. Catatan tersebut dikoleksi karena Mustafa ternyata juga punya miniatur tank itu.
Berbagai bentuk Jeep yang biasa digunakan di kalangan militer, miniaturnya juga bisa ditemukan di rumah Mustafa. Mulai dari Jeep Mambo, CJ-6, CJ-7, CJ-8, dikoleksinya. Miniatur Packard Sedan yang biasa ditunggangi Jendral Eishenhower, maupun Chrysler Windsor kendaraan Mc Arthur juga dimilikinya. Tank gurun pasir, atau senjata tentara Israel adalah juga bagian dari koleksinya. Mustafa hapal betul cerita-cerita seputar kendaraan itu.
Tidak semua koleksi Mustafa dibeli dengan harga tinggi. Sebagian memang ada yang kini harganya mencapai Rp 1,5 juta. Tapi ada juga koleksi yang satu set harganya Rp 17 ribu. Juga tidak semua koleksinya bikinan luar negeri. Beberapa memang terdapat miniatur yang dibikin dalam jumlah terbatas oleh Solido (Prancis), tapi ada juga yang bikinan lokal.
Menurutnya, dulu banyak yang menyepelekan sebagian miniatur kendaraan militer bikinan lokal. ”Sebab, itu kan harganya murah,” sambungnya. Tapi sekarang, kata Mustafa banyak orang yang mulai mencarinya. Biasanya, toko-toko kuno menjadi tempat buruan para kolektor itu. Tapi kadang-kadang dia juga memburu koleksinya di Bandung Indah Plaza, Plaza Blok M, atau Pondok Indah Mall Jakarta.
Mustafa menangani sendiri semua proses perawatan koleksinya. Biasanya, ia membersihkan koleksi-koleksinya sebulan sekali. Sesekali, ia juga memodifikasi koleksinya agar mirip aslinya. Meski ditangani sendiri, benda-benda yang umumnya berwarna hijau tua itu terlihat sangat terawat. Di antara koleksinya, terdapat beberapa koleksi yang di bawahnya terdapat nama orang yang membelikannya.Mustafa mengaku sangat menyesal ketika delapan koleksinya hilang karena pindah rumah. Untuk mengganti, dia berniat akan terus melengkapi koleksi-koleksinya.
Agar ingatan dan informasi seputar koleksinya tetap segar, setiap bulan dia bikin pertemuan dengan para kolektor. Tapi umumnya kolektor yang datang adalah pengumpul miniatur mobil biasa. Baru Mustafa yang punya koleksi lengkap miniatur kendaraan militer. Tak heran koleksinya sering mengundang perhatian para kolektor. irfan junaidi

SUMBER: http://www.republika.co.id/koran_detail.asp?id=35307&kat_id=102&kat_id1=&kat_id2=

Chevrolet Silverado Hybrid Review - The Pros and Cons

Trucks don't usually tend to make the best hybrids, their large engines and very heavy bodies mean that their gas mileage is notoriously low, and it's difficult to keep the essence of the vehicle and still be able to improve that. People who want a truck typically want something with good towing capacity, power, and able to carry large loads. All of that added together makes it hard to save gas on the road, but with fuel economy becoming one of the most important buying decisions in automobile sales, Chevrolet thinks they can do just that.
The Chevrolet Silverado Hybrid is a brand new offering for the 2009 model year, and so most review companies are only getting their first look at it. It's known that the truck uses GM's 6.0L V-8 combined with a hybrid electric motor that helps with extremely low speed and coasting. Combined, the truck gets 21 mpg in the city and 22 on the highway in two-wheel drive.
The 4WD version gets just about an even 20/20. As is pretty standard for most trucks and SUV's that are converted to hybrid models, the gas mileage offered is superior to the non-hybrid models by only a small margin, and very 'so-so' for the hybrid car market overall. Chevrolet hopes the new Silverado hybrid offering keeps buyers interested in their full sized line up for years to come.
You can find out more information about Hybrid Cars at
ProHybrid.com along with video news, reviews, and tools such as price quotes and an automotive loan calculator.
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Dan Lienert Jeep will show its answer to the Hummer H2 at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. The Jeep Rescue is one of three new concept vehicles, cars that may or may not make production, which DaimlerChrysler's (nyse: DCX - news - people ) American brands will display at the Detroit show in January. Although similarities between the Rescue and the H2 scream out in profile, Jeep is disguising its concept as an emergency services vehicle designed to drive through the most demanding conditions. Chrysler officials are not commenting on the Rescue's production plans, but there's no reason not to build the vehicle as an SUV for civilians, considering how the H2's profitability is equaled or rivaled only by the Cadillac Escalade and Escalade ESV among General Motors' (nyse: GM - news - people ) vehicles. Perhaps Chrysler is trying to keep a low profile after last year, when it dropped a lawsuit that claimed the H2's grille infringed on the classic seven-slotted Jeep grille. The company also knows GM is in an advantageous position to make profits on the H2; GM farms out its production to AM General, the original Hummer manufacturer, thus dodging its own enormous factory and labor costs. Why shouldn't Jeep want a cash cow like the Hummer H2 (shown here)? The Rescue's dimensions are very similar to those of the H2: It is 80 inches wide, only 1.2 inches narrower than the H2, and its 123-inch wheelbase (the distance from the center of the front wheel to the center of the rear) is only two-tenths of an inch longer than the H2's. Like the H2, which shares mechanical architecture with the Chevrolet Suburban SUV and, fundamentally, the Chevrolet Silverado pickup, the Rescue concept rides on a truck platform--that of the Dodge Ram. This truck basis gives the Rescue off-roading credentials, and the vehicle comes with a folding windshield and removable doors and roof. The heart of this "ultimate search and rescue vehicle" is a 305-horsepower Cummins diesel--not as impressive as the 316-horsepower V-8 that the H2 shares with the Suburban and Escalade. However, the Rescue's engine shames the H2's on torque, the turning force that determines a vehicle's towing capabilities: 555 foot-pounds versus 360 foot-pounds in the H2. The Rescue also has remote-control winches for towing, along with 3D topographical mapping software and a navigation system. Other goodies include a VHF radio, digital video recorder, satellite transmission capability and a satellite phone. And get this: The Rescue has cameras under the chassis that display what the axles are about to run into--useful for off-roading in a tall vehicle like this. Ground clearance is variable in the Rescue, as the vehicle comes with a custom-built suspension whose ride height is adjustable. The Rescue comes with 17-inch wheels with run-flat tires. From the cockpit, you can change the tire pressure to adjust traction on different surfaces. Should Jeep build this vehicle? Only if it wants to make a lot of money.
Source : Forbes.com

Senin, 15 September 2008


DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR FIRST JEEP CJ? Remember the way the factory pleated seats felt on your lower back? Remember the feeling of the wind whipping your hair around on a nice summer day driving with one foot dangling out the door opening? Remember the first time you drove with the windshield down? If so , this site is for YOU. We restore clean, rust-free Jeep CJ's from the AMC Years back to as close to factory original as you will ever find. Compare our stock to original factory dealer color brochures and you will see what I mean.


Land Rover adalah sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang menghasilkan berbagai macam mobil. Didirikan pada tahun 1948 dan merupakan anak perusahaan Tata Motors. Perusahaan ini bermarkas di Gaydon, Inggris. Perusahaan ini menghasilkan berbagai macam produk-produk mobil jip.

Tipe: Anak perusahaan Tata Motor

Didirikan: 1948
Pendiri: Rover
Letak: Gaydon, Inggris, Britania Raya
Tokoh penting: Geoff Polites, CEO
Industri : Otomotif
Produk: Mobil
Karyawan: 13.000
Induk: Tata Motors
Slogan: go beyond
Situs: www.landrover.com


Foto ini diambil waktu saya tugas di daerah pedalaman hutan karet daerah Bengkulu Utara, Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia


Pasca 60 tahun Jeep, DaimlerChrysler Corporation akan meluncurkan Jeep edisi terbarunya, yaitu " Renegade " Pada Detroit Auto Show ( 19-27 ) pekan ini. Sesuai dengan namanya, yang berarti pembelot, Renegade dikemas dengan konsep sebuah pembrontakan: tak cuma hebat di medan belantara, tapi juga oke di jalan raya. Karena itu, ketangguhan Renegade sebagai kendaraan off road ditingkatkan, jauh melebihi induknya, Jeep Liberty. Sementara itu, kenyamanannya sebagai kendaraan penumpang pun dilipatgandakan.SUV 2-kursi yang mengaplikasikan penggerak dua tenaga motor elektrik pada aplikasi all-wheel-drive Renegade memiliki tenaga tambahan baterai lithium-ion yang menyediakan 16 kilowatt/jam dengan jarak tempuh 4 mil dalam sekali cas. Berbeda dengan konsep mobil elektrik yang cenderung memusatkan penggunaan pada area kota, Jeep Renegade secara khusus didisain sebagai kendaraan off-road gesit yang juga ramah lingkungan.kemampuan Renegade di medan belantara ditunjukkan melalui rancangan sumbu roda yang lebih lebar. Desain sumbu seperti ini sangat membantu kendaraan untuk mengatasi rintangan khas di medan off road, seperti jalan dengan kubangan yang lebar atau permukaan lintasan yang licin dan penuh gundukan besar. Dengan sumbu yang lebar, tak jadi soal bagi Renegade untuk menghadapi daerah pedalaman di Arizona atau Kalimantan, misalnya. Tapi sebaliknya, Renegade bisa juga menjadi pecundang bila berhadapan dengan medan empuk dan sempit seperti daerah perkebunan di Jawa Barat, yang kerap menjadi areal permainan bagi penggemar jip di Indonesia.Motor elektrik dari Jeep Renegade yang terdiri dari arsitektur alumunium ini, tercatat mampu menghasilkan daya 268 hp dengan tambahan 115 hp datang dari mesin diesel hingga torsi yang dicapai juga cukup impresif. Adapun ekonomis-bahan bakar yang dihasilkan mencapai angka 110 mpg dengan regenerative braking system sebagai suplai tenaga tambahanTapi secara umum, gertakan Renegade sebagai kendaraan lintas medan tak perlu diragukan lagi. Kemampuannya bermanuver misalnya, tergolong jempolan. Dengan menggunakan sistem kemudi rack and pinion, yang selama ini digunakan pada sedan (Liberty adalah jip pertama di dunia yang menggunakan sistem kemudi seperti itu), akan menghasilkan respons mengemudi yang baik. Pengemudi dapat merasakan kondisi permukaan jalan melalui getaran pada setir. Selain itu, diperoleh pula akurasi menikung yang lebih tinggi. Sistem kemudi itu dirangkai pula dengan sistem suspensi independen, berupa per keong (coil spring) untuk roda depan dan per yang dilengkapi penghubung (link-coil) untuk roda depan. Suspensi independen memungkinkan posisi mobil tetap lurus, meski salah satu roda kejeblos atau menjejak permukaan jalan yang lebih rendah dari bagian roda yang lain. Dengan demikian, stabilitas kendaraan dapat tetap terjaga.Dengan mengusung personalitas "one with the nature" (satu dengan alam), eksterior dari Jeep Renegade teraksen melalui pembukaan roda dan pelek berukuran oversized dengan cut-down speedsters windhsield, rubber-clad headlamps and taillamps, palang tengah (roll bar) tanpa atap, dan sarana integrasi "panel" pada area belakang. Potensi area ini ke depannya bisa digunakan untuk berbagai fungsionalitas seperti pemasangan panel muatan untuk sepeda gunung atau bahkan kayak. Tetapi, salah satu konstruksi yang dinilai paling inovatif dalam interiornya adalah penyertaan busa berbasis kacang kedelai pada kursi dan pintu serta chasis yang terbuat dari bahan resin (damar) tak berbahaya, selaras dengan philosopi "alam" yang dianut Jeep Renegade Concept yang digawangi Chrysler LCC ini.